Giving to the Fund
The Fund is a charity and in order to service and maintain the vehicles we rely on donations from users and friends.
You can make donations to the Fund by cheque to 'The Barbara Bus Fund' sent directly to :The Barbara Bus Fund
You can make donations to the Fund by cheque to 'The Barbara Bus Fund' sent directly to :
The Barbara Bus Fund
Louis Fleischmann Building
Brockley Hill
Middlesex HA7 4LP
If you are a UK Taxpayer your donation can be made under the Gift Aid Scheme, which increases the amount the Fund receives by 25%, at no extra cost to you. Why not download a Gift Aid Form here and send it with your donation?
Why not give your time as a volunteer driver?
A few hours once a month would help someone who has no-one to drive them to get out and about.
Find out more by contacting the co-ordinator.
Why not give your time as a volunteer driver?
A few hours once a month would help someone who has no-one to drive them to get out and about.
Find out more by contacting the co-ordinator.
You can also donate by clicking here
If you wish to discuss any other method of giving, please contact the co-ordinator.

If you wish to discuss any other method of giving, please contact the co-ordinator.
When you shop on Amazon Smile we receive a Donation